About Our Church
Arichat Bible
Church History
Founded in April of 1995 by Pastor Walter Lawrence of Pennsylvania, Arichat Bible Church is an independent Baptist church in Isle Madame, Cape Breton.
Pastor Walter and his wife Gerri spent 26 years faithfully serving in Arichat before his passing in 2012.
Today, Arichat Bible Church continues to preach the gospel, disciple the saints, and be a lighthouse for Christ in Cape Breton.
Missionaries We Support
We thank the Lord for blessing us with the material means to support these missionaries who are spreading the good news at home and abroad.
Although we are a small assembly of believers, we are self-sustaining and believe the Lord will bless our desire to reach the lost around the world through the financial and prayer support of our missionaries.
We currently support the following missionaries:​
Serving in Rizal, Philippines
Brookfield, Nova Scotia
Music Ministry
Each December, we hold a Christmas Gospel Concert as a fundraiser for the Isle Madame Food Bank. We are thankful for the sponsorship of École Beau-Port and Wild Flour Bakery and the tireless work of our volunteers to put on this event. Each concert is recorded and available on CD as an outreach tool.
Our musicians also travel to other churches across the province to present Christmas or gospel concerts during the year.
For more information, you can email us at buildyaone@yahoo.ca